Monday, 14 January 2019

week 3 day 1 #2

1 comment:

  1. Hi Preston!

    You are a bit of a sun-smart star! These are some awesome ways to stay protected in the sun during summer. I think this is so important to know, especially in New Zealand - our sun is very harsh and it's so easy to get burnt!
    I have had a friend visit from America who did not believe me when I said how easy it is to get burnt over here... Didn't take him long to learn though!

    I think that sun screen is really important during the summer - I use it a lot, especially on my face!
    I also swim a lot during the summer so I always have to remind myself to reapply after I've finished swimming - Do you do that too?
    I like that you mentioned having a hat that covers as much as possible too!

    Getting sunburnt is not fun - It's such an uncomfortable feeling! Have you been sunburnt before Preston?
    I think once it has happened to you, you are always much more aware of covering up and staying safe in the sun!

    Great job on this activity - keep up the awesome work!
    Ellee :)


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