Monday, 14 January 2019

week 3 day 1 #3


  1. Hello Preston,
    Those are some pretty hot temperatures there! I have heard of Dash-a-loot, but I never knew it got that hot! I am quite interested in the fact that people have to try and stay cool in these temperatures. I would surely not even get out of an ice bath! Maybe next time you can add colours and pictures to make your slides more fun.

    Happy blogging

  2. Hi Preston!

    Great job with this graph - I like that you have made sure your title is clear, you have labelled the x and y axis and clearly plotted your information - these are all key aspects of presenting information in a graph, good work!
    Have you done a lot of graphing in school?
    Do you enjoy it?

    I can't believe how hot these places are!! I really like the hot weather but I dunno if I could handle that heat!
    I did go to Death Valley in America and that is meant to be one of the hottest places on Earth - It is suppose to be hot enough to fry an egg on the ground... I'm not sure if it's true though, I didn't try it :)
    Do you prefer the hot or cold?
    Would you like to visit somewhere this hot?

    Great job on your graph Preston - Very impressive!

    Nga mihi,


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.