Tuesday, 21 January 2020

SLJ week 3 day 5 activity 2

1 comment:

  1. Tālofa Lava Preston,

    Thank you for sharing with us today one of your favourite games to play. Oh my goodness CRACK THE EGG! I did not know that people still play that game. That was one of mine and my siblings favourite games to play on the trampoline all the time growing up, I love a good trampoline game!

    I really like how well you have explained the game, it is very easy to read and understand, so if people who read your blog want to try, they could easily pick it up themselves.

    What’s your favourite part of the game, do you prefer being the egg or one of the people trying to crack the egg?

    Kueni :)


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.