Tuesday, 21 January 2020

SLJ week 4 day 2 activity 3

1 comment:

  1. Hey Preston!

    Did you enjoy this activity? What was your favourite part? I’ve really liked learning about who inspires different people and why.

    Aaron Smith is such a good role model! Are you a big fan of his? What are some characteristics that he has that you look up to?

    He is such a good player! It’s no wonder he is a role model for you. Is Aaron Smith one of the people who has inspired you to become a professional rugby player? Are there any other professional rugby players that have inspired you?

    When you were making this post were any facts about Aaron Smith that shocked you?

    Well done on this post! And thank you for including the link for the photo!

    Matilda :)


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.